What Does Orchestration Mean in Cloud: Benefits and Examples

Did you know that the global cloud orchestration space is poised to grow to $25 billion by 2026? According to one source, the segment is poised to expand from $10 billion in 2020 to $25 billion in 2026, registering a compound annual growth rate of 16.1% over the forecast period.

But what is cloud orchestration, and what are the primary benefits you need to know? Do you want answers to these two critical questions? Keep on reading for the nitty-gritty.

Cloud orchestration involves arranging various components like tools, applications, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), and different cloud infrastructures (both private and public) into well-structured workflows. This process enables IT teams to systematically manage the automation of tasks related to cloud management across different teams and areas of expertise, using cloud orchestration platforms.

Businesses are increasingly using cloud infrastructure. One source cites Gartner as saying that 85% of enterprises will, by 2025, adopt a cloud-first approach. The source adds that the cloud service model can offer businesses benefits like reduced costs for IT expenses, greater flexibility (with multiple cloud or hybrid cloud set-ups), and more efficiency. But while businesses understand the benefits of cloud platforms, they also see the challenges.

Indeed, a significant challenge is the proper cloud management of applications and services. This stands to become a more substantial concern as businesses migrate existing solutions to the public cloud and adopt new capabilities that rely on cloud platforms. Cloud computing systems encounter massive amounts of data across various cloud environments. Businesses face the challenge of the time-consuming task of setting up and maintaining cloud automation processes. IT departments at corporations are increasingly adopting cloud technology designed to manage cloud-based infrastructure. That’s where the building blocks for cloud orchestration come into the picture.

According to research firm Global Industry Analysts, three aspects of cloud orchestration are resource orchestration, service, and workload.

Cloud Orchestration Benefits

A cloud orchestration platform can offer many benefits that you need to consider before selecting the right solution for your company. What follows is a look at some of the more critical benefits:

More Operational Efficiency

One of the benefits of implementing multi cloud orchestration is greater operational efficiency. It leverages automation to streamline the management of repetitive tasks. IT departments can configure automated tasks and use them to develop customized automation that benefits their companies. This simplifies the process of coordinating virtual and physical resources, managing security, scaling the infrastructure, handling authorization requirements, and doing other essential things.

Using cloud solutions, businesses can save money and time since critical business processes that can be automated will be automated. With greater operational efficiency will come better productivity and higher profits.

Better Security

Cloud orchestration also helps with security. Cloud security breaches can happen when IT professionals make network configuration mishaps that expose confidential data. Businesses can tap into their available resources for compliance testing, vulnerability scanning, and configuration validation by using cloud orchestration solutions. Rolling out standardized configurations can help your IT team avoid configuration setup mistakes that can lead to the type of data breaches that can be damaging financially and to the reputation. It pays to take security seriously since cybercriminals work ceaselessly to wreak havoc. And depending on the severity of the attack, some businesses won’t be able to rebound.

Helps Software Developers

Cloud orchestration can also benefit software developers who work toward continuous deployment in cloud-based environments. This is because cloud solutions can simplify things by automating the deployment process.

By leveraging cloud orchestration capabilities, software developers will be able to automate firewalls, server provisioning, server configurations, network configurations, and more. By doing so, software developers will be able to concentrate on their core competencies of creating software that meets the needs of end users.

The Great Resignation phenomenon that has seen many workers across many industries quit their jobs has led to shortages. If this is something your company is experiencing, it makes sense to take advantage of tools that allow all your skilled workers to focus on what’s most critical.

Saving Money

Cloud orchestration can also help businesses save money. With chargebacks and automated metering, cloud orchestration helps companies improve their expense governance while facilitating the efficient use of resources. The right solution will also offer optimized solutions that improve the cloud services footprint with self-service processes. This will slash the costs associated with infrastructure investments.

More Control and Visibility

A cloud orchestration application will give your business a unified dashboard. It will afford a single-pane view of available cloud resources. So, you’ll get optimal visibility and control that facilitates informed business decisions and strategic planning. Your company will have the tools needed to manage accessibility, resource policies, and security, facilitating efficient control in cloud-based systems.

Self-Service Portal

Cloud orchestration also offers self-service portal capabilities that will allow developers to easily select the cloud services they desire from an intuitive web portal. Doing this will eliminate the requirement to add infrastructure administrators to the deployment stage.

Business Agility

Using cloud orchestration will help businesses to become more agile. The business space is becoming increasingly digital. Your business needs to design and manage computing resources in a way that makes it easy to take advantage of opportunities sooner rather than later. Cloud tools can facilitate such agility. It’s been said that it’s not the strong that beat the weak in the business space–it’s the fast that beat the slow. How agile is your company? Can your business pivot at a moment’s notice to take advantage of opportunities, or will opportunities pass your business due to a lack of agility?

Cloud orchestration is an essential tool that businesses must consider if they’re in the cloud. It’s one of those things that should be viewed as a must-have rather than a nice-to-have. Most companies are either in the cloud or are considering a cloud strategy. The future is in the cloud–and the future is now. How prepared is your company for the challenges of being in the cloud?

Making the most of cloud-based environments means using cloud solutions. When you’re ready to find the answer to your cloud orchestration tool questions, consider Aisera. It’s the only solution you’ll ever need for your cloud orchestration needs. Request a free AI demo of our AIOps solution today!

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