McAfee & Aisera: $10M Savings Using ChatGPT & Generative AI


McAfee’s Aneel Jaeel and Aisera’s Muddu Sudhakar discuss the importance of implementing AI-powered Customer Service to drive savings and improve CSAT for customer engagement. Aisera’s ChatGPT and Generative AI  for enterprise solutions helped McAfee achieve its vision for AI and digital transformation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aneel explains how the global pandemic fast-tracked McAfee’s digital transformation journey nearly overnight, with the need for supporting employees to adjust quickly in a remote set-up or work from anywhere economy.
  • Muddu explains how Aisera’s cloud-native Generative AI solution could support organizations like McAfee to quickly adopt and invest in artificial intelligence to provide self-service at scale to both employees and customers.
  • Aneel further shares how providing customers with faster resolutions to their questions within seconds because of Generative AI’s smart capabilities could help deflect thousands of support tickets and avoid the long wait times with live agents for McAfee’s customers.
  • Muddu emphasizes making the right investments in AI and automation early on for enterprises to truly empower their employees to be high performers with increased productivity and efficiency as well as enable customers to self-serve, and deliver a memorable customer experience.