AI Support Intelligence

Boost Customer Success with actionable insights and analytics from data across customer touchpoints

Get A Holistic Customer View with Generative AI & Automation

Your data is screaming signals that can help with timely information to prevent churn, increase engagement, grow conversions, foster positive customer sentiment, and elevate customer satisfaction.

Aisera’s AI-powered Support Intelligence (AISI) platform analyzes vast amounts of customer data to glean valuable insights to help drive customer success with analytics to stay on top of customer health, sentiment, satisfaction, and revenue management.

  • Predict and prevent churn
  • Analyze and boost customer sentiment
  • Orchestrate campaigns and workflows
  • Build a customer-centric brand

Customer sentiment

Churn and Health Analytics

AI Support Intelligence ingests, prepares, and models data over hundreds of risk factors to predict churn and health metrics along with preventative insights.

Real-Time Sentiment and Emotion Insights

Autonomously detect customer sentiment, tone, and emotion in live or offline support channels to predict and prevent customer escalations and promote retention.

Real time sentiment analysis

Product Feedback and Recommendations

Collect valuable insights about your service or product from web traffic and customer support interactions to assist customer support and success teams with recommendations to improve engagement, product adoption, and overall customer sentiment.

Predict and Deflect Escalations

Assess tone, sentiment, and severity among several other signals within support tickets and take preventative steps even before escalations happen with our powerful escalation prediction tool.

Integrations and Workflows

Seamlessly connect your ticketing, CRM, and collaborative systems with our out-of-the-box integrations to generate insights, automate early warning, implement proactive and preventive workflows, and improve the overall support experience.
