Military branch AI Service Customer Story

Military Branch Customer Story

Since March 2020, we’ve scaled to meet the incredible increase in Help Desk and Service request automation for [our] employees. Aisera has enabled us to deliver exceptional user experience and ServiceNow Automation during this period of growth.

VP End-User Services and Experience

Military Branch


Employee Experience

Conversational AI & Automation

Use Case

Workflow Automation for IT

Proven Results


Auto-Resolution Rate


Improvement in Employee Satisfaction


Improvement in Resolution Times

AI ticketing integration with military industry
Customer for Military

Self-service ticket deflection & seamless escalation

The military branch’s employees now enjoy 24/7 access to a self-service option in a ChatGPT-like manner to automatically resolve 64% of their tickets, which saves time for both employees and support agents.

military customers

Improved employee experiences and satisfaction

With Aisera’s AI Service Desk, the branch’s webchat has boosted employee satisfaction by 74% with a more streamlined and exceptional experience.

customer military

Customizable features and rapid deployment

Custom workflows were designed to streamline frequent employee use-cases, with all customer functionality built out in a matter of 8 weeks.

Provide Instant Employee Support and Services with Generative AI and ChatGPT-like Interactions

With a large existing employee base, this military branch is one of the largest service branches with over 670,000 personnel. High growth rates created a rising ticket volume for employee service, which put a strain on the branch’s service agents. Their goal was to find a Generative AI solution that could rapidly scale, provide ChatGPT-like interactions, seamlessly integrate with existing platforms across all channels, reduce ticket volume, and enhance customer and employee satisfaction and efficiency.

The military branch opted for a solution that functions as a tight-knit unit; Aisera’s Generative AI Service Desk. Featuring Conversational AI for serving knowledge articles and providing instant answers to employee questions, Conversational RPA to execute actions in the backend, and Ticket AI to support service agents in resolving issues. All the AI-powered automation came with air-tight security measures to ensure data privacy and the handling of sensitive information.

Ai Service Desk Datasheet