Generative AI for
Professional Services

Transforming customer ecosystem management and elevating customer experience with Gen AI
Generative AI for professional services

Virtual Assistants are transforming the Professional Services Industry






CSAT Improvement

Use Cases

information retrieval

Information Retrieval

Boost user productivity and enhance satisfaction with personalized and permission-aware searches in natural language. Ensuring strict adherence to privacy and security protocols while providing micro-actions that boost efficiency and minimize work disruptions.

Code generation and optimization

Code Generation &

Accelerate code development by using natural language queries to generate code in Python, Javascript, SQL, and more. With Aisera’s Gen AI models for code generation, optimize code to enhance efficiency and reduce development times.

proactive incident management

Proactive Incident

Aisera’s AI Copilot for AIOps detects and resolves major incidents and performance issues, even before they arise. By analyzing incidents from ticketing platforms, telemetry data, and apps and services, Aisera reduces detection and resolution times.

Documentation & Report Generation

Documentation &
Report Generation

Analyze sensor data and machine logs to detect anomalies and predict potential equipment failures, enabling proactive maintenance and reducing downtime. Provide natural language recommendations for preventive actions and generate work orders for maintenance tasks.

Case & Document Summarization

Case & Document

Supercharge user performance by automatically summarizing documents, reports, cases, and more. With an embedded UI in popular ticketing systems like ServiceNow, Atlassian, Salesforce, and Zendesk, agents can use auto-generated case summaries to decrease resolution times.

personalized recommendations


Deliver tailored recommendations to enterprise clients with Aisera’s Generative AI solutions, which analyze a client’s existing IT infrastructure, business requirements, and business data to recommend the most suitable products and services.

Benefits & Integrations

Personalize experiences with contextual and permission-aware AI search and response generation

Boost cost savings and increase productivity with an enterprise AI Copilot that provides proactive user assistance

Boost cost savings and increase productivity with an enterprise AI Copilot that provides proactive user assistance